The role of foreign languages in our country, reforms after independence, the work done in the development of the industry on the basis of the Decree of the First President of December 10, 2012, testing the knowledge of our youth in IELTS, CEFR and other programs, available effective English language methods, inversion literature device and its place in literary works, its role in translation is reflected in this article.
Как цитировать
Tilavova , M. . (2021). INVERSION IS A BRIDGE TO THE WONDERS OF THE LANGUAGE WORLD. Научно-просветительский журнал "Наставник&Quot;, (1), 43–50. извлечено от https://hp.jdpu.uz/index.php/science/article/view/1127
Malika Tilavova
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Ключевые слова:
foreign languages, implemented reforms, multimedia textbooks, electronic resources, teacher, aspiring youth, IELTS, CEFR program, effective English language methods, inversion, literary device, translation studiesВыпуск
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