Опубликован 2023-05-06 — Обновлена 2025-01-09



  1. Xaydarov, I. (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students : Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students . Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4493
  2. Xaydarov, I. (2022). YOSH GIMNASTIKACHILARDA MAXSUS-HARAKAT TAYYORGARLIGI KO‘RSATKICHLARINING DARAJASINI ANIQLASH. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4756
  3. Xaydarov, I. (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students : Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students . Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4493
  4. Xaydarov, I. (2022). Zamonaviy voleybol o’yinida sakrovchanlikni rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi.: Zamonaviy voleybol o’yinida sakrovchanlikni rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4992
  5. o’g’li, N. E. Z. ., & o’g’li, X. I. S. . (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students. Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT1(12), 64–66. Retrieved from https://literature.academicjournal.io/index.php/literature/article/view/169

CREATING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOR STUDENTS AT A YOUNG AGE | Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal (academiascience.org)


Как цитировать

Samadova, O. (2025). XOTIN-QIZLARNI JISMONIY RIVOJLANISHIDA BADMINTON SPORT TURI VOSITA SIFATIDA. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 3(3). извлечено от https://hp.jdpu.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/8491 (Original work published 6 май 2023 г.)

Библиографические ссылки


Xaydarov, I. (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students : Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students . Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4493

Xaydarov, I. (2022). YOSH GIMNASTIKACHILARDA MAXSUS-HARAKAT TAYYORGARLIGI KO‘RSATKICHLARINING DARAJASINI ANIQLASH. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4756

Xaydarov, I. (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students : Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students . Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4493

Xaydarov, I. (2022). Zamonaviy voleybol o’yinida sakrovchanlikni rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi.: Zamonaviy voleybol o’yinida sakrovchanlikni rivojlantirishning dolzarbligi. Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье, 5(5). извлечено от https://pshedu.jspi.uz/index.php/pshedu/article/view/4992

o’g’li, N. E. Z. ., & o’g’li, X. I. S. . (2021). Ways to Prepare for the Profession by Inculcating a Healthy Lifestyle in the Minds of Students. Pindus Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT, 1(12), 64–66. Retrieved from https://literature.academicjournal.io/index.php/literature/article/view/169

CREATING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOR STUDENTS AT A YOUNG AGE | Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal (academiascience.org)


O'ktabar Samadova

JIzzax davlat pedagogika universiteti

Ключевые слова:

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