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EPITHET OXYUMORON HYPERBOLA | Maktabgacha taʼlim jurnali

Published 2023-04-30



Adjective, epithet-the term stylistics and poetics; from antiquity known from
artistic means. To things and phenomena, understanding and figurative
characterization of specific features. In most cases, the adjective is also expressed
in the means of rave, noun, number, verb (mas-n. like, the dapper of the dice, the
day of the Resurrection, The Hoarse spoke). Adjectivation is not just a means of
decorating a sentence, a phrase, but it is associated with content, manifested in
logical, psychological, linguistic, literary and other aspects of speech. In contrast to
the simple logical definition that distinguishes an object from its other types (such
as"murgash poem"), Adjectivation distinguishes either a bironbir feature of the
object ("chetan chariot") or, as an istioral epithet, transfers to it a characteristic
characteristic of another object (such as"silver winter", "Emerald spring", "Flying
Horse"). In folk oral poetic creativity, simple and constant adjectives are used a lot
(such as" Pahlavan boy"," maid"," flying carpet"). Some S in the eastern and
including Uzbek classical literature.the lar (such as" almond"," pistadahan","
Cypress") has become much repeated and, as a result of its constant occurrence,
transformed into compound adjectives — complex adjectives (such as" almond
girl"," Cypress juvon"). There will be adjectives characteristic of each stage of
literary and historical development. In the system of adjectives, the style of a
particular literary era, direction, writer is reflected.


Hayriniso G'aniyeva


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