Опубликован 2024-11-27



In this article, we plan to conduct research on the topic of "Ways
to assess the economic efficiency of investment projects." Our main goal is to study
and analyze the successful implementation of investment projects, careful analysis
and in-depth evaluation based on various methods of performance evaluation. In our
article, we made suggestions and recommendations on improving the methods of
economic analysis and assessment of financial and economic efficiency of
investment projects in the context of modernization of the economy

Как цитировать

Sharifa Gaybullaevna, R. . ., & Botirjon Zokir oʻgʻli, S. (2024). INVESTITSIYALAR IQTISODIY SAMARADORLIGINI BAHOLASH. Журнал естественных наук, 4(17), 42–49. извлечено от https://hp.jdpu.uz/index.php/natscience/article/view/10292

Библиографические ссылки

Muminova, N., & Abdullaev, N. (2022, June). Sensor for control of hydro-gen fluoride content in a gas medium. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2432, No. 1, p. 050024). AIP Publishing LLC.

Sidikova, K., Muminova, N., & Abdurakhmanov, E. (2024). Synthesis of porous gas materials for a semiconductor carbon (ii) oxide sensor and their investigation. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 474, p. 01023). EDP Scienc-es.

Muminova, N., Sidikova, K., & Abdurakhmanov, E. (2024). Investigation of teos hydrolytic polycondensation in the synthesis of gas-sensitive films for a semiconductor carbon (II) oxide sensor. In E3S Web of Confer-ences (Vol. 474, p. 01021). EDP Sciences.


Rasulova Sharifa Gaybullaevna

Sulaymnov Botirjon Zokir oʻgʻli

Ключевые слова:

Investitsion loyiha, iqtisodiy samaradorlik, investitsiyalarni jalb etish, investitsiya siyosati, iqtisodiyot modernizatsiyasi, UNIDO uslubiyoti


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